November 7

Blog #125 – Antebellum Reformer Speed Dating

Image result for roaring fireplaceSo you’ve had a chance to meet a bunch of antebellum reformers on Thursday’s speed dating simulation.  You may have found some like-minded reformers and some who might not fit the best with your approach to tackling the nation’s variety of problems.  One thing to keep in mind is that these reformers had been alarmed by the rapid changes taking place in America since the turn of the century, and fueled by the 2nd Great Awakening, they felt that they wanted to help fix poverty and crime, and / or eradicate what they saw as the national sin of slavery.  By persuing reform, these reformers sought to take charge of their own personal salvation which was the greatest message of the 2nd Great Awakening.


Your job: 

  1. What did you learn most about your reformer?  Explain w/ specific details.  Also, would this be a person you could support if he/she existed in 2019?  Why or why not?
  2. Which of the reformers that you met would support your reformer’s goals the most?  Why?
  3. Which of the reformers that you met would NOT support your reformer’s goals?  Explain why.

350 words minimum for all 3 of your answers.  Due Monday, November 11 by class.  

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