November 2

Blog #5 – Founding Fathers distrust

Well, the more and more that I read about the Founding Fathers (a term coined by President Harding, a huge fan of alliteration), the more that I disturbed by how much that they distrust the “people” or the masses of unwashed, uneducated voters. 


 A people’s-led revolt like Shays’ Rebellion in 1786 that came on the heels of Hamilton’s call for a second look at the Articles of Confederation to be scheduled in Philly in May 1787 seemed to “confirm Thomas Jefferson’s fear of democratic despotism… An elective despotism was not the government we fought for” (Pageant 177).  Apparently, civic virtue or public responsibility to follow the rules, the textbook authors wrote, was no longer strong enough to stop people from being greedy or “self-interest[ed].”  Hmmmm… people shouldn’t follow their self-interest?  They shouldn’t pursue happiness, to paraphrase TJ? 

Haven’t we been taught from a young age that the Fathers wanted to guarantee the freedoms for which they had fought the British?  Haven’t we been taught that this was a fight for the rule of law, for civil rights, for all to be free and equal (except if you were a slave)?   As historian Bernard Bailyn stated our revolution’s main goal was “the destruction of privilege and the creation of a political system that demanded of its leaders the responsible and humane use of power” (Zinn 101). 



But here’s  James Madison, the “father of the Constitution” arguing in Federalist #10 that a strong central government will be able to keep the peace because the passions of the people will be too diffused or spread out: “A rage for paper money, for an abolition of debts, for an equal division of property, or for any other improper or wicked project, will be less apt to pervade the whole body of the Union than a particular member [state] of it” (Zinn 97). 


Whose interests are the Fathers protecting?  The people?  What did the Fathers fear would happen if the people were totally in charge? 

To quote Alexander Hamilton, ”

The voice of the people has been said to be the voice of God; and however generally this maxim has been quoted and believed, it is not true in fact.  The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge or determine right.  Give therefore to the first class [of people] a distinct permanent share in the government…“” (Zinn 96). 


To curb the excesses, the unbridled passions of the publicly elected House of Representatives, the Senate was created as that check.  In Federalist #63, a Senate was “sometimes necessary as a defence the people against their own temporary errors and delusions…[b/c] there are moments in public affairs when the people, stimulated by some irregular passion, or illicit advantage, or misled by some artful misrepresentations of interested men, may call for measures which they themselves will afterwards be the most ready to lament and condemn” (Zinn 98). 

alex hamilton

** The bold type is mine.  I think this could apply to both of the political parties in today’s election, or worse yet, the money behind both political parties. 


I think the Fathers’ concerns comes from several sources, but mainly from the idea that these men who made the Constitution were elitists and designed a system that protected private property from being taken away arbitrarily by a voting public.   We have heard them say time and time again that property = liberty.  With a solid system in place, founded on the traditions of English law, America has been able to prosper because property has been guaranteed for over 200 years by courts and the government.  If our private property hadn’t been guaranteed by these safeguards, then investments would probably be worthless, and our future would have been dicey.  People with money would have taken their money elsewhere or pushed for a different form of government. 


This pattern has repeated itself time and time again in many of the Latin American countries that have emulated us with their Constitutions since they overthrew the Spanish in the 19th Century, but because there isn’t a consistent turnover of power or protection of civil rights, the wealthy in those countries have gotten behind any strong man who promises order.  In America, we believe in the rules even when those rules frustrate us or look as if they are being abused b/c in the long run, we believe that it will all work out. 

For this blog, please answer the following questions:

1. Do you think the Founding Fathers were right to distrust the passions of the American people when they wrote the Constitution?  Why or why not?

2. What passions / fears are swaying the American people right now as they currently head towards the polls today?  Provide specific examples. 

250 words minimum.  Thanks.

Due Wednesday, November 3. 




October 27

Blog #4 – Lots of Debt = Public discontent?

This past week we looked at the events leading up to the Constitutional Convention and included the debt-ridden, farmers’ rebellion known as Shays’ Rebellion that occurred in 1786-87.   Because of rampant inflation and other economic factors, former Revolutionary War soldiers couldn’t pay off their mortgages and were faced with jail time in debtors prison, seizure of valuable property or foreclosure on their homes.  To prevent the foreclosure of their homes, the farmers in rural Massachusetts, led by Daniel Shays, closed courthouses all around Massachusetts.  Only when a private militia (hired by the moneyed interests of Boston) opened fire on the mutinous men of the rebellion did it finally end. 

An event like this convinced those on the fence that a stronger central gov’t. was needed to deal with the systemic problems of the Articles of Confederation. 

Today, some groups like the Tea Party advocates (Tea standing for Taxed Enough Already) believe that we have drifted far away from this founding legacy of “small government” and that our current gov’t. is way too strong and intrusive in our lives. We see this intrusion in regulations on corporations and other businesses, excessive federal spending, and changes to health care.  Many of these groups appear to be grass-roots and decentralized, lack a specific political platform, have a little bit of party money and haven’t rallied around a national leader, according to The Washington Post’s survey of the nation’s TEA Parties published on Oct. 24. 

Virtually all of the 650 groups surveyed identified opposition to President Obama’s and the Democratic Party’s policies.  The groups also identified economics as a major concern,  and this is no surprise considering the country’s economic mess since 2007.  gdp_large

As you can see by the chart on the left, the US economy finally came out of its epic doldrums in 2008 in 2009 with some small signs of growth.  For the first two quarters of 2010, there has also been growth as well (3.7% 1st qtr., 1.7% 2nd qtr), but nothing major. 

As shown in the graph below in GDP growth/loss by states, Michigan and Florida had the worst GDP losses in 2007-08 (the yellowish states are the worst hit by this recession).  gsp_large(1)

In the summer of 2010, home foreclosures hit a record high of almost 270,000 homes in the 2nd qtr (2).  Some of these foreclosures have been questioned b/c it appears that many banks may have kicked people out of their homes w/o “reading the documents.”  According to Fox News, in the latest 3rd qtr, almost 290,000 homes were foreclosed, and the banks are on pace to hit 1.2 million by the end of the year (3). 

Like the farmers in Shays Rebellion, many homeowners have either lost their homes to foreclosure or seen the value of their house drop so significantly that the mortgage isn’t worth paying off (called an underwater mortgage).   Therefore, a number of people have walked away from their homes and let the banks have them.  Currently, over 1/2 million homes are owned by banks that aren’t even on the market (3). 

Tea Parties have complained a lot about taxes.  They’ve also complained, and rightly so, about out-of-control government spending. 


If you ever wondered how much money is taken in by the government in taxes, here’s a breakdown:

The federal Government will take in $2.6 trillion for FY2011. The individual taxpayer — you — provides the bulk of this. Here’s how:
  • Income taxes contribute 45%.
  • Social security taxes are 34%.
  • Corporate taxes are only 12%.
  • Excise taxes and other make up the remaining 9%. (4)

How is it that corporations only pay 9% of our tax burden?  Maybe that’s where the gov’t. and Tea Partiers should look for more money. 

 Or maybe the gov’t. should do with less like the rest of us, especially those who are directly affected by the auto industry.  Would it hurt the nation terribly to cut all expenses by 1-2% for the next year?    It probably would, but how much has the government’s stimulus package really benefited the country?

The worst part about all of this is that when the country needs the two parties to work together to get us out of this mess, the parties are at a historical point of fighting with each other.  Not since the end of World War 2 have the two parties voted only for their own party’s programs and voted against the other party’s program.  Between 85-90% of each party’s members have voted for their own bills and against the other party (5). 

So, what do we do? 

Your question (pick two of the following):

1. Do you think an armed rebellion like Shays could happen today based upon home foreclosures or another source of discontent?  Why or why not? 

2. Why don’t you think the federal government is willing to cut expenses even slightly to either cut taxes or to reduce our federal budget deficit? 

3. What do you think the long-term consequences will be with so many homes being foreclosed, especially this year? 

 4. Do you think the Tea Party protest is just a one-time thing like the Bull Moose Party (1912) or the States’ Rights Party (1948)?   Or will it be around to be a real contender in 2012?  Why or why not?

250 words minimum. 

Take a look at partisan politics during the Jefferson and Madison administrations:







5. Brownstein, Ronald.  The Second Civil War: How Extreme Partisanship has Paralyzed Washington and Polarized America.  Penguin Press, NY.  2008.