December 1

Archie Bunker goes back to school

In the 1970s, a TV show called All in the Family highlighted the generational gap between the Baby Boomers (depicted by Mike) and their parents who had fought in World War 2 and suffered through the Depression (as portrayed by Archie and Edith Bunker).   Archie Bunker, even by the 70s standards, was not the most “enlightened” person when it came to minorities and the new history that was being written, but he loved his country – right or wrong. 

In this clip, Archie and his son-in-law, Mike are both studying at the living room table when Archie forgets what Manifest Destiny is, but he’s too proud to ask Mike for help.  Watch what happens when the two generations clash over their different interpretations of American history, especially the treatment of Native Americans: