January 31

FYI – Note cards and big questions

Ch. 28 – The Progressive Era (pgs. 656-678)


Elkins Act of 1903/ Hepburn Act of 1906                                       Gifford Pinchot

Initiative / referendum / recall                         17th Amendment                                  Robert LaFollette                 William H. Taft

Florence Kelley                                                    Muller v. Oregon (1908)                    Square Deal                          Northern Securities case


Big Questions

–          How did women impact the progressive movement?  

–          How did TR exemplify the Square Deal while dealing with the coal strike of 1902 (665-6)?

–          How did TR differentiate between good and bad trusts?

–          Why did TR’s opponents call the Panic of 1907 the “Roosevelt Panic”?  How did it actually benefit the nation in the long run?

–          What were some of TR’s more important contributions (674-675)?

–          How did some of Taft’s initiatives tend to backfire on him (Payne-Aldrich Bill, trust busting, conservation)? 


Ch. 29 – Wilson’s Progressive Era (pgs. 679-685)

Woodrow Wilson                                                 New Freedom                                       New Nationalism

Underwood Tariff Act                                         Federal Reserve Act of 1913             Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914

Clayton Anti-Trust Act of 1914                         


Big Questions

–          How do New Freedom and New Nationalism differ and how are they similar? 

–          What was Wilson’s personality like and how did he differ from TR?

–          How else did Wilson attack the “triple wall of privilege” and defend the working class (p. 685)?

Due on the day we take the Free Response Essay Test – Friday?  / Monday?